1979 EXP at PCL, catalogue statement, PCL Gallery, London
1979 - 82 Editor of PAGE, Quarterly Journal of the Computer Arts Society, London, Amsterdam, Michigan Link
1979 Note on the creative use of computers, PAGE, Bulletin of the Computer Arts Society, No. 40 Link
1979 The Perceptual Interpretation of Structure, PAGE, Bulletin of the Computer Arts Society, No. 42, June, 1979 Link
1979 Art Relevant to a Scientific Culture, paper presented at the International Symposium Artiste et Ordinateur, Centre Culturel Suedois, Paris
1979 Transduction, Instituut voor Psychoacustica en Elektronische Musiek, Rijks Universiteit, Gent
1980 Interference Matrix Drawings, PAGE, Computer Arts Society Quarterly, No. 43, January, 1980 Link
1980 CAD80, catalogue statement, Computer Arts Society
1980 CG80, catalogue statement, Computer Arts Society
1981 Pictorial Characteristics in Grey-scale Images, Man-Computer Interaction Research Group Report No. 36, Leicester Polytechnic
1981 Boreham, D.P. & Edmonds, E.A.: Extracting Shapes from Grey-scale Images, Man-computer Interfaces, Conference Proceedings, Leicester Polytechnic
1981 Some Psychophysiological Issues Pertinent to the Leicester Raster Graphics Research Programme, Man-Computer Interaction Research Group Report No. 37, Leicester Polytechnic
1981 International Festival of Electronic Music, Video and Computer Art, catalogue statement, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
1982 Boreham, D.P. & Edmonds, E.A.: Extracting Shapes from Grey-scale Images, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 16, 3
1982 Polytonic Shape Extraction, Man-Computer Interaction Research Group Report No. 40, Leicester Polytechnic
1982 Polytonic Shape Analysis, Man-Computer Interaction Research Group Report No. 41, Leicester Polytechnic
1982 Boundary Segmentation, Man-Computer Interaction Research Group Report No. 42, Leicester Polytechnic
1982 Good Continuation of Straight Edges and Lines, Man-Computer Interaction Research Group Report No. 43, Leicester Polytechnic
1982 L'Art et l'Ordinateur, catalogue statement, Compagnie Internationale de Services en Informatique, Paris
1983 Man-Computer Perception of Pictorial Characteristics in Unstructured Grey-Scale Raster Images, Ph.D. Thesis, Royal College of Art, London (See below)
1983 RCA Degree Show, catalogue statement, Royal College of Art, London
1983 ELECTRA, Electricity and Electronics in the Art of the XXth Century, catalogue statement, Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
1983 Chadha, H.K. & Boreham, D.P.: Bivariate Gaussian Distribution and the Derivation of V2G, Human-Computer Interface Research Unit Report No. 3, De Montfort University
1984 Sharma, A., Scrivener, S.A.R., Chadha, H.K. & Boreham, D.P.: Anomalies in Published Formulations of Delta Squared G Centre-Surround Filter. Human-Computer Interface Research Unit Report, De Montfort University
1992 The Conceptual Framework of My Computer-Assisted Drawings: Reflections on Physics, Buddhism and Transactional Psychology, (article solicited by Frank Popper), LEONARDO, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 119-127
1993 Pre-Prints, four questions answered for the International Symposium: Creativity and Cognition, Loughborough University
1994 Art Without Limits, statement for the exhibition: Art Without Limits and Frontiers, Pisa
1998 Nonobjective Transaction: Notes towards a new art, Yan-Huang Museum of Fine Art, Pekin
1999 Transactional Nonobjectivism: An exposition about the transactional nature of reality. Unpublished manuscript (See below)
A copy of Dominic Boreham’s 1983 Ph.D. Thesis entitled; “Man-Computer Perception of Pictorial Characteristics in Unstructured Grey-Scale Raster Images - Ph.D. Thesis, Royal College of Art, London” can be accessed by clicking the image below. Copyright Estate of Dominic Boreham.
The Thesis is provided by the estate of Dominic Boreham for research purposes.
A copy of Dominic Boreham’s 1999 manuscript entitled; “Transactional Nonobjectivism: An exposition about the transactional nature of reality” can be accessed by clicking the image below.
Copyright Estate of Dominic Boreham.